Weekly Snapshot: The Sweetness of Doing Nothing

Weekly Snapshot: The Sweetness of Doing Nothing
Photo by Sage Friedman / Unsplash

Hi Friends.

Italians have a saying, La Dolce Far Niente, that translates to the sweetness of doing nothing. In today’s world, we have become so busy and stressed that we have forgotten to pause for a second and empty our minds. 

Honestly, I don't think it is our fault. The rat race has gotten tougher. Every one of us is out there to prove ourselves, to build a better life, and to win.

It is great until it isn’t. The “isn't” part is burnout, where our body lacks the physical and mental will to perform, and we fall into an abyss of inactivity while suffering mentally about not doing anything productive. 

Burnout is our body’s way of telling us to slow down, pause, and recover. It is a sign that our marginal value creation is diminishing, and any more effort will negatively impact our health and ability to make positive strides toward our goals. 

This week, my body gave up. 

Although I knew something was wrong, I did nothing to address it and kept putting in the effort. The effort was not fruitful as the will to perform was absent. And as usual, I kept trying while my head filled with tormented thoughts. 

That was when I heard the phrase La Dolce Far Niente, and I felt like I could switch off my brain for a while and consciously take a break. Once I accepted that it was okay to sleep in, binge-watch my favorite shows, nap during the day, and eat whatever I wanted, I experienced a wave of relief, and my body responded positively. 

I admit that my energy levels have not fully recovered, but my will and motivation are leveling up. A positive sign because Dolce far niente gave my brain a break from the troubles of everyday life and allowed me to re-focus my energies on things that matter. 

I guess, sometimes, there is sweetness in doing nothing. 

💪 Wins of the week

  1. Clarity. I found time to think and eliminate non-issues.
  2. Financial discipline (more on this next week).
  3. I published my article and YouTube video (watch the video at the end of this newsletter)

🧐 Challenges & Learnings

  1. Focus is hard. Saying no is even harder. I’m using a framework to keep myself on track - it’s kinda working but the system needs a massive overhaul.

🎯 Goals for Next Week

Next week is all about networking and taking risks.

  1. Connect with electric battery suppliers in the UAE and establish relations to understand the nature of their business.
  2. Build backend documentation for loyalty service and align with stakeholders at work.
  3. Publish 1 article and 1 YouTube video.
  4. Eat well and take care of my mental health.
  5. Gym: 4 days.

📖 My Readings

I'm reading Skin in the Game by Nassim Taleb. Wonderful book. I’ll catch you guys up next week.

🎬 My Latest Video

How I got an 8 Band on IELTS Listening Test | Strategy, Tips & Resources: In this week’s video, I share my preparation plan and strategy which helped me get an 8 band in the IELTS listening section on my first attempt in just two weeks of studying.

✍️ Quote of the Week

"One thing that remains true for all people who pursue excellence.
Maniacal focus on how they manage their time and spend their energy."
— Kunal Shah

Till next time.
Raheel Ahmad