Weekly Snapshot: In Sickness & In Health.

Life is too short; cherish every healthy moment and remember the inevitability of death's presence.

Weekly Snapshot: In Sickness & In Health.
Photo by Tim Goedhart / Unsplash

Hi friends!

I'm grateful for good health. On Sunday, after I wrote my previous weekly snapshot, I fell ill - food poisoning and fever - for three days with lingering effects till today.

In sickness, I realized how feeble I was and how helpless I felt. Without energy, I was unable to do anything productive. Time slowed down, and the level of discomfort increased with every passing moment.

It did give me time to remember death - the only absolute truth of life, yet we forget about it. I didn't get any life-changing epiphany but realized a fundamental truth about life.

Life is too short and can end abruptly without warning. Every healthy moment is a gift, and every day should be lived as the last because it might very much be true.

So take a moment and remember death. Your worries might feel miniscule, and you might feel overwhelmed to do more. I know I did.

Take care of yourself and stay healthy. Life is too short to just let it pass by.

💪 Wins of the week

  1. I was able to demonstrate strong will at work. I knew I had to deliver, so I pushed myself to focus only on critical tasks because my energy levels were dramatically low, and I couldn't waste them on unimportant tasks.
  2. I haven't smoked for the past five days. I was sick and had a bad throat. Now, I feel repelled by the idea of smoking. Hoping to keep up the streak.
  3. I published my article and YouTube video (watch the video at the end of this newsletter)

🧐 Challenges & Learnings

  1. I'm juggling multiple things - more like experimenting and trying to find the ideal one, but it's hard. I'm getting better, but I'm not happy with the pace of cutting things down from my life.
  2. I need to work more on my communication skills, which means I need to work more on my understanding skills and listening skills. I often operate on incomplete information, and instead of stepping back to get more data, I try to come up with an answer. This needs to stop.

🎯 Goals for Next Week

Next week is all about increasing income and networking:

  1. Connect with 5 entrepreneurs in the real estate investing industry for advice and a constructive conversation.
  2. Connect with import/export companies to figure out how to send products from Dubai to Pakistan and vice versa.
  3. Figure out an extra income stream that can bring in an extra $3,000 every month.
  4. Publish 1 article and 1 YouTube video.
  5. Eat healthy: fruits, veggies, and grilled chicken.
  6. Gym: 5 days.

📖 My Readings

I'm currently reading Influence by Robert B Cialdini. Overall, this was a weak reading week - I'll catch up next week!

🎬 My Latest Video

Mastering Reciprocity: How to get what you want [Urdu/Hindi]: Have you ever wondered why you end up complying to a request when you don’t want to or why does your sales go up when you give free samples? In this video, I explore how you can get favors from others by simply doing something for them.

✍️ Quote of the Week

"Go for a walk. Reconsider what you're doing. If it's not fun, you're unlikely to be great at it anyway" - Naval

Till next time.

Raheel Ahmad