Weekly Snapshot: Health

Weekly Snapshot: Health
Photo by Marcelo Leal / Unsplash

Hi Friends,

It was a poor health week. I suffer from cluster headaches, which I experience every year for about 20 days. I am unable to do anything, and my entire life revolves around my headache and eventual recovery. It is both emotionally and physically challenging and draining.

After the headache ends each day, one goes through something I call headache fatigue, which is a couple of hours where energy levels reach near zero, and drowsiness takes over. In these hours, you only think about days without a headache. And since you are in the headache phase, the no-headache phase seems ages away.

The feeling without the headache is that of a healthy state of mind and body. It’s the freedom and control to focus, exert, feel, and engage. It’s a state of control. I know everyone has health problems that scare us, but I want to draw attention to the days when we are healthy.

It is a lesson in itself. The lesson is about the value of time and taking care of yourself. When the illness goes away for good, it’s a rebirth - a second chance to focus on things that matter.

Time is precious. Health is precious. Your decisions - eating, familial, social - affect your overall health, and your health determines your future.

If you don’t have good health, you have nothing.

💪 Wins of the week

  1. I made positive progress at work - we’re ready for product development and delivery. I’m excited about what will come out!
  2. I took adequate care of myself. For me, it’s a win.

🧐 Challenges & Learnings

  1. Getting organized and gathering the willpower to work were tough challenges. I couldn’t get much work done because of my health and broken momentum.
  2. Before making a decision, think about the consequences and then think about the consequences of your consequences. Third-order thinking will reveal the real ripple effects of your decisions. 

🎯 Goals for Next Week

Next week is all about getting shit done and growing my sense of purpose.

  1. Find and finalize a local supplier of energy storage to strike a deal. I am very close to my goal and I aim to achieve it!
  2. Accelerate development for promotions engine at work!
  3. Publish 1 article and 1 YouTube video.

📖 My Readings

Poor reading week! Although I’ve been reading a bunch on technical analysis for stock trading - such a fascinating topic.

🎬 My YouTube Video

If I were starting my career in 2024, I'd WORK at a STARTUP. As a fresher, our best bet is to join an organization that gives us the best opportunity to grow our skills.

✍️ Quote of the Week

“A happy, calm, and peaceful person will make better decisions. So if you want to operate at peak performance, you have to learn how to tame your mind"

– Naval

Till next time.
Raheel Ahmad