Weekly Snapshot: Consistency, Uncertainty, and the Long Haul.

Weekly Snapshot: Consistency, Uncertainty, and the Long Haul.
Photo by Kyran Aldworth / Unsplash

Hi friends!

Slow and steady win the race. I firmly believe in being steady because consistency leads us to victory. However, it’s easier said than done because it is difficult to think about the long haul when life is highly uncertain.

I can attest to this sentiment because many of my life-altering short-term decisions were reactions to black swan events, uncertainties, and my internal fears. 

These instances are rare but very effective in influencing my decision-making to the extent that I alter my long-term plans to accommodate these short-term changes. 

It’s okay because life is unpredictable, but the point here is to increase your margin of safety. To remain consistent, you must manage uncertainty and erect safeguards. Once you have safeguards in place, you’re more likely to be consistent and on track. Your safeguard might be a financial safety net or freedom from familial responsibilities - anything that allows you to stay focused for the long haul. 

If your current plans do not account for extreme volatility in life, staying focused will be an uphill battle. 

So, if you find yourself with a low margin of safety, find a way to increase it before you embark on a 10-year journey to achieving your long-term goals. 

💪 Wins of the week

  1. I’m becoming more aware of what’s important vs. what’s a distraction. This week, I identified such options quickly.
  2. Sometimes, I dive into a problem without understanding it. Not anymore! Clarify + understand before diving into the problem is the new mantra.
  3. I’m not afraid to speak my mind. Regardless of who it was, I felt it my duty to speak my mind and share the truth!
  4. Just one cigarette - I slipped but I’ll take it as a win.
  5. I published my article and YouTube video (watch the video at the end of this newsletter)

🧐 Challenges & Learnings

  1. I am still figuring out when to pull the plug on something from my life. I have the skill to identify an opportunity in any situation, but I’m unsure if that opportunity is real or will translate into something tangible. 
  2. I’m procrastinating because I feel tired and need to manage my energy levels. 
  3. I need to be more thorough and spend more time polishing my work and making it error-free. 

🎯 Goals for Next Week

Next week is all about increasing income and networking:

  1. Interview 10 traders indulged in cross-border trade between Pakistan, UAE and China.
  2. Work on building another income stream: bringing in another $3,000 per month.
  3. Publish 1 article and 1 YouTube video.
  4. Eat well and take care of my mental health.
  5. Gym: 4 days.

📖 My Readings

I'm currently reading Influence by Robert B Cialdini. I’m picking up pace and I’ll finish it this week. Next up is Skin in the Game by Nassim Taleb!

🎬 My Latest Video

How to Master Consistency and Transform Your Life | 5-Step Framework: Are you prepared to embark on your journey towards a more consistent and successful life? In this week’s video, uncover the secret to success as we delve into the importance of consistency in achieving your goals. Gain insights from renowned experts like Simon Sinek, Nassim Taleb, and Peter Kaufman, and follow my five-step framework to unlock your path to consistency and triumph.

✍️ Quote of the Week

“If you write a problem down clearly and specifically, you have solved half of it" - Kidlin Law

Till next time.

Raheel Ahmad