Weekly Snapshot: Choice.

Weekly Snapshot: Choice.
Photo by Egor Myznik / Unsplash

Hi Friends,

Choice is a powerful word that encapsulates everything that makes us humans. Choice led to Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the heavens. Choice allowed Martin Luther King to fight for Black rights in the US. Choice pulled Mother Teresa into a life of servitude.

Choice is powerful because it frees us to decide the best path forward. In every circumstance, we have a choice to make. For example, in our everyday lives, we consciously choose to eat healthy, exercise, or spend time with loved ones. At the same time, we consciously decide not to eat healthy or exercise. Since it’s our decision, it’s the epitome of free will.

Let’s not forget that what we choose can be pre-determined by some external factors (pre-determination is a legitimate argument). For example, if we stay in a job longer than we want to because of family commitments or debt obligations.

Do we have a choice in such matters?

Maybe not, but is it really about choice? I beg to differ. I believe it’s about our internal desire for control and freedom. As long as we meet these needs, we function without internal conflict. If a choice is forced upon us, we are unhappy - regardless if it was the right choice or not.

We can regain control by focusing on the rationale behind each choice. Did we decide by pure free will or because of other external factors (delving into the realm of pre-determination)?

It’s okay if the choice seems pre-determined, but if you truly understand the rationale behind each choice, you’ll liberate yourself from internal anarchy.

Is choice truly the greatest illusion? I’ll leave that up to the reader to decide.

💪 Wins of the week

  1. I see a light at the end of the tunnel. An opportunity has presented itself, and it’s all about closing it. 
  2. Every day has been a positive step towards the end goal at work. I’m feeling positive about making deadlines and getting stuff done!
  3. Launching a new product at DevNation - details soon!
  4. I’ve hired a personal gym trainer - a wonderful experience so far. 

🧐 Challenges & Learnings

  1. I didn’t post my article and YouTube video. No excuse for the article. As for the YouTube video, I ordered a new mic that “still” hasn’t arrived. Should I still have published my video with poor audio quality? I’m still debating. 
  2. It’s tricky to build something from the ground up. The hesitation to talk to new people, ask for advice, or seek revenue is not easy.

🎯 Goals for Next Week

Next week is all about getting shit done and growing my sense of purpose.

  1. Understand the clean tech and energy space by interviewing entrepreneurs in the space. (If you know any, please connect us via email).
  2. Publish 1 article and 1 YouTube video.
  3. Stay focused on the tasks that matter.
  4. Gym: 4 days.

📖 My Readings

I'm reading Skin in the Game by Nassim Taleb. The core lesson of the context setting has been focused on working on things that you have a direct stake in. Without skin in the game (personal stake), you will make decisions without thinking about all consequences and end

🎬 My YouTube Video

Today, we’ll recap an old video about Risk Taking. Enjoy.

Ever stood at life’s crossroads, feeling the weight of a critical, risky decision? This video is your guide to becoming a master risk-taker and turning risk into reward.

✍️ Quote of the Week

" (i) think very hard / concretely about the future
(ii) do not substitute education for thought
(iii) avoid hyper-competition; do not do what everyone else is doing
(iv) identify areas of innovation at the frontier; do new things there"
— Peter Thiel

Till next time.
Raheel Ahmad