Weekly Snapshot: Untamed Ambition.

Weekly Snapshot: Untamed Ambition.
Photo by Armand Khoury / Unsplash

Hi Friends,

As we grow older, our life demands sacrifices and realignment of priorities. We become okay with settling down and entertaining once unacceptable concessions. Honestly speaking, it’s okay.

But I strongly believe that while it’s okay to settle from a familial point of view, it’s not okay to settle down from a personal development and career point of view. It’s unacceptable for someone to tell you that you can’t afford that pricey Range Rover or that fancy beach house or you can’t build a successful company. Because once you accept this limitation, you start manifesting it and making it your reality.

I find it dangerous.

Instead, set your ambition free. Let it roar. You can learn to control the intensity of your ambitions but don’t limit it. Humans are capable of anything - we decided to go to the moon, and we went. We built reusable rockets. We captured the first image of a black hole - millions of miles away. We, humans, are an interesting species.

I’ve started to believe that we are so special that we might even be alone in this vast universe - the result of everything coming together so perfectly and magnificently that it created life as we know it.

Embrace it. And take a moment to appreciate the ability bestowed upon you. You’re limitless. Set your eyes on something and get it. And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

💪 Wins of the week

  1. I’m understanding the quantitative analysis of energy and sustainability. It’s refreshing that I’m flexing my mathematics muscles and diving deeper into an industry I feel passionate about.
  2. I networked with entrepreneurs in the power generation industry and discussed opportunities in battery storage and clean energy. 
  3. I received positive feedback on work from someone I deeply respect, which made my week. 

🧐 Challenges & Learnings

  1. Supporting each other during times of distress is difficult, but it’s rewarding and a cause for a deeper connection.
  2. Juggling is difficult - even more so when the stakes are high. I have quite a lot going on and I’m feeling the pressure. Need to eliminate and focus.

🎯 Goals for Next Week

Next week is all about getting shit done and growing my sense of purpose.

  1. Learn how to calculate savings from using battery storage solutions versus fuel-based alternatives (continued from last week).
  2. Realign priorities at work to meet end-of-year deadlines.
  3. Publish 1 article and 1 YouTube video.
  4. Stay focused on the tasks that matter.
  5. Gym!

📖 My Readings

This week, I read tons of articles on energy transition. I’ve picked up Skin in the Game again - hoping to complete it within this week.

🎬 My YouTube Video

In this week’s video, I share valuable insights on how to answer the critical job interview question: why are you the right fit for the job? I draw from my personal experience of conducting 100s of interviews and provide you a step-by-step guide on how to best prepare for it.

✍️ Quote of the Week

“ Habits will form whether you want them or not.
Whatever you repeat, you reinforce."
— James Clear.

Till next time.
Raheel Ahmad