Weekly Snapshot: Reminiscing and Nostalgia.

To remembering old times, regaining focus and loving your work.

Weekly Snapshot: Reminiscing and Nostalgia.
Photo by Jon Tyson / Unsplash

Hi friends.

I love reminiscing. It excites me to remember old friends and moments of my life. I often find myself scrolling through Facebook and coming across some old post by a dear friend that opens up a plethora of memories - some good, some not so good, but the feeling I get is almost always pleasant.

I don’t have any regrets or memories I would like to erase. At that point in time, all those moments were perfect, and I wouldn’t change anything about them.

It gives me joy to see people I grew up with doing amazing things! Some are working for top companies, some are married with kids, and some are pursuing their dreams. Delightful.

I feel every past moment has contributed to the way I am today. A beautiful amalgamation of my perfections and my imperfections. All that makes me human. Brilliant.

Our lives are similar; yours and mine.

We have a past with events that we either cherish or hope to erase. I feel we should have no regrets about the past and remember each moment with happiness and contentment because, without those moments, we wouldn’t be here. Our learnings, sadness, happiness, failures, successes, all contribute to our future course of action TODAY.

Either we feel bad and live the rest of our lives in contempt or use our past moments as a source of strength to build even better rememberings. I’ll always choose the latter.

Life is beautiful.

💪 Wins of the week

  1. I’m becoming detail-focused! Instead of shallow thinking, I am diving deeper into each problem. This week, I consciously solved problems at a deeper level, and I loved it. 
  2. I made good progress in figuring out my next revenue stream. It’s a tough road ahead, but I’m very excited about it. 
  3. I published my article and YouTube video (watch the video at the end of this newsletter)

🧐 Challenges & Learnings

  1. Smoking continues. 
  2. Lack of clarity caused procrastination. I didn’t go to the gym or read diligently, but it’s okay to retreat and regain strength. The main goal is to get back, and starting tomorrow, it is s all about focus!
  3. I’ve been struggling to say NO to people or initiatives. I feel there is a possiblity to fulfil the request, so I allocate exploration time. Over 95% of the cases, the exploration has resulted in the same answer. 

🎯 Goals for Next Week

Next week is all about getting out of the comfort zone:

  1. Reach out to 50 electrical distributors and learn about establishing partnerships.
  2. Complete documentation at work and align multiple stakeholders.
  3. Publish 1 article and 1 YouTube video.
  4. Eat well and take care of my mental health.
  5. Gym: 4 days.

📖 My Readings

(Same as last week and the week before) Just a few chapters left for Influence by Robert B Cialdini. Next up is Skin in the Game by Nassim Taleb! Ive been struggling on the reading front, but positive news next week!

🎬 My Latest Video

IELTS Reading Deep Dive: How I got 9 on the Reading Section: Are you looking for a proven strategy to ace your IELTS Reading Section? In this video, share my strategy which helped me get a 9 band in the IELTS Readings Section on my first attempt in just two weeks of studying.

✍️ Quote of the Week

"People with passion can change the world for the better."
— Steve Jobs

Till next time.

Raheel Ahmad